Translation pricelist

Our agency uses the “card” as the unit of measurement. One card consists of 1500 characters with spaces. The price of one card varies depending on the language. For the majority of languages (English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Slovenian, Serbian, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Slovakian, Polish) the price per card amounts to 130 HRK + VAT.

For other languages you can contact us by telephone, email and enquire about the exact price. There is no additional charge for translations verified by a court interpreter. Insofar as it is a larger order or long-term business cooperation, additional discounts are possible. Of course, after receipt of a text we will put together a free estimate.

Send us your text via email, fax or come to our office directly and we will immediately calculate an estimate of your translation. The exact price of a translation can only be determined upon the completion of the translation by counting the characters and on the basis of this the exact number of cards is calculated. You too can check the exact number of cards yourself.

At your request we will send the translation to you by email in Word format, open the document, click on “Tools” and select the option “Word count”. A little window will open up with various details, select the one which states “Characters with spaces” and divide this number with 1500 which will give you the exact number of cards.


Translation services

  • Translation of documents (birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, residency certificate, competency certificate, certificate of no criminal record, etc.)
  • Translation of general texts (CV, promotional material, tourist text, etc.)
  • Translation of specialised texts in various areas of expertise (law, medicine, finance, banking, construction, architecture, engineering, etc.)
  • Translation of books, newspaper articles, Internet pages, etc.
  • Translation from audio and video tapes
  • Consecutive and simultaneous translating


As the name of our company implies, we translate into and from all European languages within a very short timeframe. The majority of our translators are native speakers of the language they translate.

We translate from Croatian into English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portugese, Rumanian, Slovenian, Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Albanian, Greek, Latin and from these languages into Croatian.

ll translations are additionally checked and proof read. Therefore we guarantee superior quality of the final translation and accept complete liability in the event of a mistake.



If your company does business abroad, then the agency EUROLANGUAGE is the ideal partner for every type of foreign language communication.

It is not only our technical know-how and our excellent knowledge of individual fields but also our optimal quality to price ratio that has won over numerous local and foreign users of our services that, as far as language is concerned, they can rely on the agency EUROLANGUAGE.

Thanks to our extensive experience in all European languages, we cooperate closely with out customers, developing individual strategies and solutions to make it easier for them to be present on the international scene. In presenting your company you have at your disposal more than 80 translators – native speakers. With the aid of recognised technology and procedures, we develop solutions so make sure your project is completed on time and is of the optimal quality which sets it apart from the rest.

The agency EUROLANGUAGE was founded with the clear aim of offering assistance and offering companies operating at an international level the best language solutions, beginning with the first piece of correspondence, multilingual Internet site – which today is a must – all the way to verbal translations.

A professional international presentation is a prerequisite for the success of your company! Many customers using our services have opted to use the agency EUROLANGUAGE as their only translation service to meet all their translating needs. To protect the privacy of our clients, on our Internet site we have not posted a list of our references, given that discretion is an attribute which is more than desirable in the sector in which we operate.